Hag HaMazoth Hagaddah
Featuring beautiful photos of the Land of Israel
by Melech ben Ya'aqov
25 Mar 2012
The Hag HaMazoth ("Passover") Hagaddah, written in the spirit and tradition of Karaism, is offered free to the Karaite community. Based on verses from
the Tanach, it features some of the many thousands of photographs that Rifkah and I have taken of the Land of Israel over the years.
Aviv (almost ripe) springtime barley, Jerusalem, Israel
Dear Karaites and Friends,
This Second Edition of the Hagaddah includes an improved translation of the Hebrew scriptures into English and some breathtaking new photographs of the land of Israel.
It is recommended that all participants at your Seder use the same edition.
I wish you and all of the Children of Israel a meaningful and beautiful Hag HaMazoth.
May Yehowah Be With You,
Melech ben Ya'aqov
Instructions for Downloading
The Hagaddah is in PDF format, which means that you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader or similar software installed on your computer in order to view or print the file.
If you do not, you may download Acrobat Reader here.
Download The Hagaddah
This Article Has 5 Comments
Photograph and Psalm
Eleanor Grant,
Waterloo, Ont.
Shalom, Melech, and thank you for your immense work in producing this Haggadah. First, I just LOVE your photograph of the barley in Aviv. Is there a way you can make it available as a poster folks can send for, or a separate file we can get printed? It would be very inspiring to me. Second, I didn't agree with one verse (7) in your Psalm 114 translation. My Tanakh reads: "mil-lifenei Adon chuliy, aretz - mil-lifenei Eloah Ya`aqov!" I don't believe the names YHWH or Elohim are present in this verse - so I'd rather say: At the face of the Lord, tremble O land! At the face of the Mighty One of Jacob. Let's talk! I wish I knew where to find music for the Hebrew psalms. I worship alone here, and it's much too quiet!
Hag HaMazoth Hagaddah
Sideth / Tami,
Eagan, MN, USA
Great Hagadah! It would be nice to add the pages to it. If you count the cover page as #1, etc, pages 25, and 27 list Exodus 12:31-32, and Exodus 12:29-32 right after each other, kind of a duplicate. Other than these two minors items, it is a great hagadah. We used it, our 10 and 6 year olds also. The 4 parts make it easy to break after each reading. Todah for putting this together, and the great pictures of Eretz Yisrael! Shalom & Blessings. [Thanks for your praises, and thanks for submitting a correction. -ed]
The use of Hashem in the haggadah
Los Angeles
Now that I've downloaded the haggadah, I see what the previous poster was really referring to. Sorry the authors guessed wrong again. Actually I'm inclined to believe the Tetragrammiton is an acronym like Amen. At any rate nobody, nobody has preserved any pronunciation - not even my family of Cohanim. Even if we know we wouldn't use it - Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain. To name something is to exercise dominion over it.
Hagaddah Suggestions
ontario, Canada
Melech, this is a great work on the Hag HaMazoth Hagaddah. It is very much needed and appreciated.
Here's some suggestions:
1) Remove the pagan idol name GOD and replace it with the Creator's proper title Elohim. If you didn't know already, GOD is a pagan idol which is exposed in Yesha'yahu (Isaiah) 65.11.
2) Some of the Rabbanic songs make reference to the Mishnah. This section needs to be reconsidered.
[Suggestion #1 will be incorporated into the Second Edition; suggestion #2 will not be implemented for reasons stated in the Haggadah itself. -Melech]
Robert Walters,
WOW!! You knocked this one out of the park Melekh. Awesome job and thank you for your time and quality work. This is sure to make our Passover a more spirtual and meaning one. [Thank you. -Melech]